[Xiao Wei X Balenciaga]
I'm so thrilled to be able to work with Balenciaga to launch this exquisite visual campaign. These new bags crafted just for the Chinese Valentine's day, "Chi Xi", is a mix of whimsical graffiti and the Chinese language. The bags perfectly embody the brand's respect for the Chinese market. (Obviously because how would a Chinese customer not fall in love with a bag with Chinese writing on it? the same way a product would appeal to an American consumer if there are English written on it)
These campaign photos that I modeled for also continue to embrace the "Chinese elderly greeting card" concept used in the previous set of ads. I hope you guys like it!
很高興可以和Balenciaga(巴黎世家)合作拍出新的這一組宣傳大片 ٩(^ᴗ^)۶ 這幾款為了七夕情人節推出的手拿包,融合了俏皮的塗鴉字體和中文,完全可以看得出來品牌對中國客群的重視(畢竟華人消費者怎麼會不愛包包上有中文呢!就像如果要打美國市場就在產品上面寫一些英文美國人一定會很愛是一樣的道理)
我幫Balenciaga model的這幾張宣傳照也是延續上一組廣告以長輩問候圖為靈感的概念,希望大家喜歡!
#巴黎世家 #七夕 #balenciaga #長輩圖 #小威的一生 #國際名模
embody 中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳解答
[Pastry news / 甜點新聞]
Cedric Grolet to open his own shop / Le Meurice甜點主廚Cedric Grolet即將開設自己的甜點店!(中文請按「繼續閱讀」)
The biggest news in Paris pastry industry recently is that the famous pastry chef Cedric Grolet (head pastry chef at Le Meurice) is opening his own shop later this year in Paris. Being one of the most talented and most talked about pastry chef, Cedric is also the most expected one to open a shop, after many of his fellows.
His success can be largely attributed to his creativity, impeccable skills, and works that embody perfection and precision. Nevertheless, having a good team that supports him with everyday work and application is something that has to be mentioned. Many of his pastry chefs, former or current, make great contribution as well to this industry. His former sous-chef, Maxime Frederic, is now in charge of the pastry labo of l'Orangerie, Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris (Michelin 1 star). Eunji Lee, the former chef-de-partie, now leads the pastry kitchen at Jungsik 정식당, New York (two Michelin stars). Pierre Hermé once said, "Dans notre métier de pâtissier, la transmission est à la fois un plaisir mais aussi un devoir" ("In our profession as a pastry chef, transmission is a pleasure as well as a duty") and it seems so true when you look at Cedric's team.
As everybody awaits impatiently the opening of Cedric's shop, I also wonder what surprises he's going to offer there a part from his many other brilliant creations served at Le Meurice.
這兩天法國甜點圈最震撼的新聞就是,過去兩年屢屢得到眾多年度甜點主廚獎項、現在在Instagram擁有344k粉絲的法國甜點主廚Cedric Grolet終於要在巴黎一區擁有自己的店面了!
有在關注本專頁的讀者們應該都已經認識這位目前全球最知名的甜點主廚,就算不記得他的名字,一定也看過他驚人的甜點創作。他的招牌甜點「檸檬」(le Citron)、「榛果」(la Noisette)、魔術方塊(Rubik's Cube)以及蘋果塔、聖多諾黑等,不僅讓巴黎人趨之若鶩,更是全世界的甜點主廚爭相模仿的對象。
這兩年越來越多知名甜點主廚離開受雇的飯店與餐廳、開設自己店面,大家總是在問那Cedric呢?他什麼時候要開店?之前接受Fou de Pâtisserie雜誌專訪時,他還說覺得自己尚未準備好,經過這兩年的歷練,很顯然他已經對自己更有信心。至於新店面將會長什麼樣、賣些什麼甜點,到時候我再帶大家一起去瞧瞧!
🍋 Cedric Grolet的「檸檬」之謎:https://goo.gl/3M84MQ
🍋 更多Cedric的精彩作品:https://goo.gl/V4mlk5
🍋 Atabulu介紹「Cedric Grolet現象」的專文(法文)https://goo.gl/DjdQuz
🍋 Cedric Grolet的Instagram帳戶:http://www.instagram.com/cedricgrolet
🍋 Cedric之前的左右手Maxime Frederic、現為Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris的l'Orangerie餐廳甜點主廚作品:https://goo.gl/RWmpLf
🍋 我的法式甜點專欄:https://goo.gl/BmDE7J
#yingspastryguide #paris #cedricgrolet #lemeurice
embody 中文 在 逆嘶亭 Facebook 的最佳貼文
(報導文末對殘體字嘅講法,唔科學,我地不敢苟同 :( )
讀母語 較有感染力
當然從另一角度看,這只是一個過渡期,當普教中全面滲透學校的那天來臨後,廣東話就可以由漢語族語言(Sinitic language)貶為方言(dialect),那末離香港只有兩文兩語、學生只懂看殘體字不懂看繁體字的日子應該不遠了。不過趁現在我們還會說廣東話時就好好的說廣東話,因為實驗顯示,用母語一定少一重隔膜,先不管你普通話聽寫能力如何,你總不會認為周星馳的普通話配音演出,會比原裝正版的搞笑吧?最近有研究就證實每一個母親都知道的道理,用母語去念書,更能激起人的共鳴。意大利研究院The International School for Advanced Studies調查了26位母語為荷蘭語的人,發現他們用母語閱讀短篇小說時,對角色的同理心,比起他們用外語閱讀更加能夠「體會」到角色的喜怒哀樂,而實驗中的外語則是英語,參加實驗者雖然12歲後才學英語,但聽讀寫都十分流利。基於人在閱讀別人的情緒時都有相應的反應,實驗可以透過臉部肌電圖(electromyography)記錄極微細肌肉活動,進而推測人們的情感變化,有點像心電圖般顯示我們的心臟功能一樣。
睇外語 人會冷靜啲
負責該項實驗的Francesco Foroni教授解釋,參加者在實驗裏用母語讀故事時,角色笑時他們亦不自覺的笑起來,相反若用英語來讀,他們的反應就沒有那麼強烈了。專家猜測,由於孩子跟着父母表情學習母語,父母跟孩子說笑的時候會笑,有示範的作用,環境充滿情感;而學外語的,則只是在學校裏學,情感元素遠遠不及家中環境親切。因此Foroni推論說,如果廣告用母語來表達,更必然有感染力,更易激起人的情緒,若想冷靜一點,減少情感的渲染力,則用外語讀就較好云云。
Foroni F.(2015)"Do we embody second language? Evidence for'partial' simulation during processing of a second language."Brain Cogn.;99:8-16.
美術:楊永昌 //
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